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Safety Precautions

At SYAM Your Safety Comes First

If you own a SYAM product, chances are it is powered by gas. If you are new to owning a gas appliance, please be sure to follow our Safety TIPs (found on this site) as well as carefully following the installation instructions and where required, have a trained and certified SAQCC Gas Practitioner do the installation according to the national regulation for example – SANS 10087-1 for LP Gas (LPG) and SANS 827 for Natural Gas (NG)

Where SYAM products require a gas installation the SAQCC Registered Gas Practitioner must comply with all mandatory requirements of SANS 10087-1 or SANS 827 (current revision) and the Operators Manual. On completion of the installation, the SAQCC registered Gas Practitioner is required to advise the customer on how to use the appliance efficiently and safely. He also must issue the customer with a Certificate of Conformity which should be signed by both parties and becomes their guarantee that the installation has been carried out in compliance with the relevant standards. As a minimum the Certificate of Conformity should include as a minimum the following:- Certificate Number / Date of Installation / Installers name / Installers SAQCC Number / Installers Contact Numbers / Appliance Details and Model Numbers / and should also include a detailed description of the installation.

Every SYAM appliance comes with its relevant Operators Manual. It is highly recommended that you familiarise yourself with this document and know how to operate your appliance safely. Not only that, this is one way to know all about your appliance and to get the most enjoyment out of it too. All documentation, such as schematics, product dimensions and sizes, specifications are available on our website at

Should you still not find what you are looking for, you are most welcome to make contact with our Sales or Technical Departments who will gladly assist you in getting the correct documentation.

At SYAM we take our products and services seriously. All gas appliances supplied by SYAM comply with the LPGSASA Safe Appliance Scheme. The scheme operates on the basis that appliances are tested for compliance with the relevant safety standard SANS 1539 and upon receipt of a positive test report issued by an accredited test house, the LPGSASA will issue the supplier with a Safe Appliance Permit, which verifies that the products listed on the permit have been proven to comply with the safety standard.